We Are Home

After 6 hours of fighting for my exit permit and a 2 hour wait for Ravi’s visa at the US embassy, we were finally able to begin our journey home. We boarded our first plane of 3 in the wee hours of the morning on Friday, December 11 in Delhi. And although our trip home was not without its challenges, we made it. When our final plane landed in Jackson late Friday night the tears of joy and thanksgiving flowed. We reached the end of a two year, uphill marathon to our son. We are home. Ravi is home. We are all together as a family of 6. Our table is finally full.

The last few days have been a blur as we fight jet lag, soak up the first days of being home together and process our trip.  In some ways a new marathon has begun. We now work to meet Ravi’s needs, both physical and mental. Trust needs to be gained and his little body needs to be strengthened.

Currently our biggest challenge is sleep. Our sweet boy is still on India time. Combine this with his disdain for his crib, and we get some very sleepless nights. He sleeps his best when he is laying on one of us but then we do not get adequate rest. Despite the lack of sleep and the adjustment to a new bed, Ravi has done amazingly well. He is eating new foods and is already settling into his role as baby brother. For this we are grateful.

There are still so many details of our trip we want to share and we will as we continue to process everything we experienced. Thank you for following along with us this far. Thank you to those locally that brought meals and groceries and checked in on our kids and extended family while we are away. And thank you to each of you near and far that have prayed over this process without ceasing and sent words of encouragement our way. We do not take for granted the blessing our village is to us and we are so thankful for each and every one of you.  

5 thoughts on “We Are Home

  1. I LOVE that precious video 💙💙💙💙💙


  2. Such a precious boy and family! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


  3. Such a precious boy and family! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


  4. Sweetest video!!
    God has answered your prayers in so many ways! He will continue to give you strength. ❤️


  5. This blog is beautiful. I just read the whole thing on our road trip going home from Jackson. I was tearing up by the end. It was so great meeting you and Grandpa on the field yesterday. Ravi is beautiful. I wish nothing but wonderful improvement for him and making many memories with Ravi and his siblings. We will miss coach Carl when my son starts at Belhaven in the Fall. Continued prayers!


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